Genesis Cancer Care Centre

The Engineering team came together to deliver a new two-storey radiotherapy cancer care centre with two linear accelerators (LINAC) bunkers and various state-of-the-art equipment.
The centre offers highly advanced oncology treatments, and patients with cancer will have access to the latest treatment options. This includes highly targeted radiotherapy using a Magnetic Resonance Image Linear Accelerator (MR Linac) and Theranostics, an innovative and personalised treatment that combines diagnostic therapy to seek and destroy advanced cancers without damaging healthy tissue.
NG Bailey provided the mechanical, electrical, and public health (MEPH) services that supported the wider project. This included the full mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) design, installation, and commissioning, as well as specialist services such as oxygen monitoring and quench systems connecting to the manufacturing readiness level (MRL) equipment.
Our Offsite Manufacture team also played a pivotal role in the project, with brackets manufactured at our Bradford facility used across the build.